Monday, June 13, 2011

Don't void the warranty!

With my code coming together for navigation I need to get back to the platform itself. I have decided that I finally need to put down the RC controller and see if I can actually control the RC car with the arduino.

Taking the top off the receiver wasn't too hard. Just had to remove some screws with the hex wrench that came with the car. After that I unplugged the servo and speed control. With some okie ingenuity I was able to rig up a connection to the servo with a servo extension from SparkFun even though the plugs didn't completely mate.

Once I got the whole thing wired up I began with some simple code from the arduino sketches to "write" the servo positions to the servo. I had to swap some wires to establish what was power, ground, and data but once that was established I was able to point wheels left, right, and center on command. I did notice that although the servo was equipped to run from 0 to 180 degrees the linkages under the car only allowed for a min of 45 and a max of 135 with 90 being dead center.

Soon I hope to combine the waypoint bearing calculations and compass readings from the navigation testing with the servo controller code!

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