Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Robots and Kegerators

So after the brew experiment in June I have continued to brew several batches of beer. The latest and greatest is a Scotch Ale. Hops and Berries here in Fort Collins has made it far too easy to continue with this hobby. It has officially begun to run amok. In order to keep up with production I have purchased a kegerator with all the tubing and pressure vessels required for kegging. All told it was not cheap but I don't have to wash as many bottles. What used to take an hour now is done in 10 or 15 minutes.

As for the bubble counter I'm laying out a pcb so I don't have to worry about dropping it. I had one instance of little fingers exploring the colorful wires and thought it time to convert the design. The schematic so far looks like this:

Inspired by another Robothon went and dug out parts to rebuild a rover platform. The first version was built back a few years ago but it was parted out for other projects. I went back and parted those out so I could rebuild the rover in hopes that I can work on some basic object detection / avoidance. Maybe put a camera on it and explore my crawlspace. Here is a quick video of it on my kitchen table.

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